The 19-year-old, already the most dominant player ever seen on the Korean circuit, began the SBS Open at Turtle Bay with a simple statement, that, if all the predictions in her home country are correct, could signal the start of a legendary international career."I think I am ready to win on the LPGA," said the diminutive girl who has smashed almost every KLPGA record in just two seasons, having won 10 of the 19 events she entered in 2007.What should make her words even more chilling to the world of women's golf is that her statement is no arrogant, trash-talking boast. It's based on some simple facts."I was sixth at the US Open last year and third at the Evian Masters. I only need to improve a little to win," she said."Last year playing abroad was unfamiliar. I was still nervous being in international tournaments. I'm still a little nervous, but I'm still nervous when I play in Korea, it's just people think I'm not because I keep winning. I've played enough tournaments now and I'm ready to win."Shin will only have limited opportunities to make her prophecy come true. After this event she plans a three-day holiday here – "beaches and shopping" – before heading directly to Singapore to begin preparing early for the HSBC Women's Champions. While she's playing under a sponsor invite at the SBS Open, she earned her place in the Champions field through her runway win on the KLPGA Order of Merit. But she says she'll only play another five or six international events this year, with her focus being what she plans to be her final year on the KLPGA.
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